Friday, May 27, 2016

Health Benefits of Copaiba Essential Oil

Copaiba Essential Oil

Copaiba essential oil is a distilled oil from an oleoresin called copaiba. This resin is produced as a sap of a tree in South America from the Copaifera genus. Although the resin itself can change color depending on the ratio of resin to essential oil, once the oil is distilled out, it should be pale yellow in color with a slightly bitter taste and an aroma that is reminiscent of the balsam of the tree. Copaiba is considered to be one of the most anti-inflammatory substances on earth, and yet much of the world only uses copaiba as a lacquer or varnish! However, in traditional medicine, this essential oil has been used extensively by indigenous people and is now spreading around the world.
copaibaThe active components in copaiba essential oil are quite powerful,consisting mainly of terpenes, which are hydrocarbons that can have significant effects on the functioning of our body. Fortunately for us, most of the side effects of the terpenes found in copaiba essential oil are very beneficial for our health. That being said, if you consume too much of this potent oil, it can cause stomach issues on par with foodpoisoning. Fortunately, allergies to this essential oil are rare, and it can be used both in topical applications and in a diffused state in aromatherapy. Let’s take a closer look at some of these valuable health benefits below.

Health Benefits of Copaiba Essential Oil

Skin Health: One of the most notable and popular health benefits of copaiba essential oil is derived from its astringent property. Copaiba’s active components literally tighten the skin, which can help skin look younger, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and even strengthen the skin to prevent lesions or wounds as the body ages.
Skin Appearance: Not only does it protect the skin and physically change it, copaiba essential oil also heals the skin and infuses the body with powerful nutrients and organic compounds that can eliminate the appearance of blisters, marks, and pimples. In fact, copaiba essential oil is often topically applied to scars in order to speed their healing and reduce their visibility.
Respiratory Health: In an aromatherapy context, copaiba essential oil is often turned to by people suffering from some sort of congestive problem or respiratory issue. When inhaled, the soothing nature of the copaiba essential oil, which is famed as an anti-inflammatory substance, can ease any discomfort and loosen the tensed muscles and glands that might be causing the irritation.
Pain Relief: This seems to be something that everyone looks for, but few people find. Copaiba essential oil is a wonderful analgesic and has been used in this capacity for generations. Whether in an aromatherapeutic context or when topically applied, the oil can help to reduce pain and loosen muscles, eliminating pain in joints, and even easing the discomfort of headaches and migraines.
Eliminate Infection: The strong antibacterial nature of copaiba essential oil can act as a major booster for your immune system. It can act as a shield for your skin, protecting any wounds from developing an infection, and also protects you internally, eliminating harmful bacteria and microorganisms that may be negatively affecting you from inside!
Anxiety and Mood: As an element of aromatherapy, copaiba essential oil has often been used to lighten the spirits and improve mood. There aren’t many essential oils that have such a sweet, pleasant smell of richhoney, but the combination of the scent and its gentle effects on your hormonal balance can significantly improve your day.
Diuretic in Nature: Copaiba essential oil can help to cleanse the body and detoxify the system by stimulating urination. As a diuretic substance, copaiba essential oil can help everything from incontinence to bedwettingwhen applied properly.
copaibainfoAntifungal: When it comes to fungal infections, there aren’t too many essential oils that can do the trick, but the unique terpene structures found in copaiba essential oil are very effective as antifungal agents. If you suffer from athlete’s foot or any sort of nail fungus, applying some copaiba essential oil should significantly speed up the healing process and protect you from future infections.
Lower Blood Pressure: If you are interested in boostingheart health and reducing your chances of experiencing a heart attack or a stroke, then adding some copaiba to your aromatherapy ritual or essential oil regimen might be a very wise choice. The anti-inflammatory, soothing nature of copaiba essential oil can help to relieve the tension and strain in your blood vessels, allowing blood pressure to drop and the strain to disappear from your cardiovascular system. This helps to prevent atherosclerosis, which is one of the leading causes of strokes and coronary heart disease.
A Final Word of Warning: As mentioned earlier, excessive use can lead to stomach problems, but generally, this essential oil is very safe. It may be rare, but if you’re willing to put in the effort to acquire it, copaiba essential oil can be a very powerful weapon in your ongoing journey towards great health.

thanks organicfacts

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